Jana Alameda MHK1

In this blog, I will be discussing the importance of Decision-Making in Governance and it’s types. You will also learn what struck me the most, which ideas made me question my beliefs and which ideas I feel strongly about.

 Interacting will always be the best way for Governing

Towards the end of the semester, our professor instructed us to read some chapters about Governance. We were also instructed that after reading the assigned chapters, we will present the topics by group. After understanding all the readings that were assigned to us, I realized that when you’re running a government, you should know that decision-making is the most crucial because this will affect the outcome of the government. In this blog, I will discuss what struck me the most, which ideas made me question my beliefs and which ideas I feel strongly about. 

I would like to discuss Chapter 3 of Governance which explains decision-making and its kinds. First, it explains decision-making as the center of a study of governance. The first type of decision-making is Rationality which means to make decisions that would be to think of these as a rational process to maximize their personal or organizational utility. The second is Bounded Rationality that makes decisions that reflect more accurately the complex realities of governance and they can minimize decision-making costs. The third is Multiple-Streams and Garbage Can which means they will not seek to make decisions as they have decisions thrust upon them and they tend to wait for a “window of opportunity” to emerge. The last is the Advocacy Coalition Framework which means the subsystems are the dominant areas for governing and the actors tend to bargain over changes in the status quo but more importantly they learn from one another and from their interactions. In this discussion, what struck me the most is when I read that decision-making is the center of a study of governance which is very true because if our political leaders, public and private sector does not know how to use it properly then our country will be chaotic. This struck me the most because there are public leaders that does not know how to use it properly and that is why sometimes we have laws that are not really relevant in our state, therefore decision-making is very crucial to all of us. When I saw in the reading the meaning of Multiple-Streams and Garbage Can made me question my beliefs because I’m a firm believer that you should use decision-making everyday especially when you’re a public leader and not only when it is needed. This made me question my beliefs to the fact that as a citizen of my country, I do not want to have this kind of mindset to be practiced on by everyone because I want to teach them in every chance that you have, as a public leader or not, you should always learn how to use decision-making in the most proper way if only this was taught to us by our leaders, then maybe we have a better condition in our state right now. During the presentation of my classmates, I feel strongly about the Advocacy Coalition Framework because I truly believe that our government should not be the only one to make the decision-making but they should also have an interaction with the public and private sector, so that our country will improve and prosper in the most great way. If we follow this kind of framework, it teaches us to open our minds and be open to different opinions because everyone has an idea about how we can help our country to be better, this also helps us to learn that we should not be arrogant just because you have a high position in the government, as a public leader you should know the proper way to govern is to interact with others too.

Overall, I know that everyone has a different mindset on how to use their decision-making and that is absolutely fine but I think we should also have a common ground when it comes to it so that our country will be organized. I really believe that when we interact with each other then we can help our country to be the best on just how we envisioned how we want it to be but we should remember that when we decide for the welfare of all, it should always have good intentions no matter what.

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